Talk 1: Martinho Fernandes - Unicode
Talk 2: Fabio Fracassi - Perfect forwarding
Perfect Forwarding
by Arno Schödl
and Fabio Fracassi
auto bar()->Foo {
Foo foo1(1);
Foo foo2(2);
if( ...cond... ) {
return foo1;
} else {
return foo2;
Compiler cannot predict if foo1 or foo2 is returned
-> no RVO
How can we make this case faster?
All local variables of fooX go out of scope
They won't be accessed anymore
We can steal from them and they won't mind!
Idea: tell the constructor of Foo, maybe he can be
faster if he can steal
Rvalue references
Foo && foo
Reference (address) of a Foo which is no longer needed.
May scavenge its resources
Must leave in valid state.
dtor will still run
may assign to it
Why it is called an rvalue?
Expressions on the _r_ight-hand
side of assignments are rvalues.
-> after the assignment, they cannot be accessed
-> can be scavenged
int x=bar(1); // bar(1) return value is rvalue
What's this? Useful?
Foo const && foo
Special Member Function: Move Constructor
teddy( Foo && foo );
Foo::Foo(Foo && foo) {
// Inside function, foo is Foo & !
// But we know we scavenge foo's resources!
// (as long as we leave foo in a valid state)
compiler generated
if the user does not provide any
copy/move constructor or copy/move assignment or dtor
move-constructs all members
When do we get rvalue references?
return makes its argument rvalue reference
(if copy is not elided anyway)
auto bar()->Foo {
Foo foo1(1);
Foo foo2(2);
if( ...cond... ) {
return foo1; // rvalue, calls move ctor
} else {
return foo2; // rvalue, calls move ctor
int main() {
Foo foo=bar();
return 0;
std::move turns lvalue (normal) reference
into rvalue reference
void eats_foo( Foo && foo, int i );
int main() {
Foo foo;
foo, // copy ctor
std::move(foo), // move ctor
foo.returns_int() // ok?
return 0;
auto move( Foo & foo )->Foo && {
return static_cast<Foo &&>(foo);
Special Member Functions: Move Assignment
auto operator=(Foo &&)->Foo& {...; return *this;}
move assignment operator
compiler generated
if the user does not provide any
copy/move constructor or copy/move assignment or dtor
move-assigns all members
foo=barX(); // always move assignment,
// copy-elision does not help
Copy-And-Swap Idiom
Goal: implement 2 functions (copy ctor and swap)
instead of 4 (copy/move ctor and copy/move assign)
struct Foo {
Foo() {
std::cout << "construct empty" << std::endl;
Foo(int) {
std::cout << "construct real" << std::endl;
~Foo() {
std::cout << "destroy" << std::endl;
Foo( Foo const& foo ) {
std::cout << "copy" << std::endl;
friend void swap( Foo& lhs, Foo& rhs ) {
std::cout << "swap" << std::endl;
// boilerplate possible if default-constructible
Foo( Foo && foo )
: Foo() // delegating constructor
swap( *this, foo );
// boilerplate always possible and saves self-
// assignment check
auto operator=( Foo foo )->Foo& {
swap( *this, foo );
return *this;
int main() {
Foo foo(1);
construct real
Foo foo2;
construct empty
construct empty (by move ctor)
swap (by move ctor)
swap (by operator=)
destroy: when foo goes out of scope
return 0;
Perfect Forwarding
std::array<int,10> is just a template instantiation
template< typename T, std::size_t N >
struct array {
array( ...uh?... ): m_at{ ...uh?... } {}
auto operator[](std::size_t i) ->T & {
return m_at[i];
auto operator[](std::size_t i) const->T const& {
return m_at[i];
T m_at[N];
First attempt:
array( T const& a0, T const& a1, T const& a2 )
: m_at{ a0, a1, a2 }
More overloads for move support:
array( T && a0, T const& a1, T const& a2 )
: m_at{ std::move(a0), a1, a2 }
array( T const& a0, T && a1, T const& a2 )
: m_at{ a0, std::move(a1), a2 }
array( T && a0, T && a1, T const& a2 )
: m_at{ std::move(a0), std::move(a1), a2 }
// ... too many ...
Use a function template to generate
the right contructor when it is called
C++ rule:
An rvalue reference of an lvalue reference
collapses to the lvalue reference:
Foo & && -> Foo &
Foo const& && -> Foo const&
template< typename A0, typename A1, typename A2 >
array( A0 && a0, A1 && a1, A2 && a2 )
: m_at{
static_cast<A0 &&>(a0),
static_cast<A1 &&>(a1),
static_cast<A2 &&>(a2)
Foo foo1;
Foo const foo2;
array<Foo,3> arr={
// If compiler would make A0 = Foo &,
// A0 && would be Foo &
// static_cast< A0 && > would be static_cast< Foo & >
// If compiler would make A0 = Foo const&,
// A0 && would be Foo const&
// static_cast< A0 && > would be static_cast< Foo const& >
// If compiler would make A0 = Foo,
// A0 && would be Foo &&
// static_cast< A0 && > would be static_cast< Foo && >
(Slightly) less obscure:
template< typename A0, typename A1, typename A2 >
array( A0 && a0, A1 && a1, A2 && a2 )
: m_at{
Universal Reference
template< typename T >
auto func( ..., T && ,... ) ...
is called "universal reference".
Watch out:
template< typename T >
... complex<T> && ...
is just a regular rvalue reference to complex<T>.
Watch out even more:
do not overload on universal references:
template<typename T> // lvalues supposed to go here
auto func ( T const & t ) -> ... {/*...*/}
template<typename T> // rvalues supposed to go here
auto func( T && t ) -> ... {/*...*/}
But they do not do as they are supposed to!
the second overload matches mutable lvalues
Need a dispatcher:
template<typename T>
auto func_impl( T && t, std::true_type ) -> ... {
// lvalues DO go here
template<typename T>
auto func_impl( T && t, std::false_type ) -> ... {
// rvalues DO go here
template<typename T>
auto func( T && t ) -> ... {
return func_impl( std::forward<T>(t),
std::is_lvalue_reference<T>() );
Worse when special member functions are involved:
template<typename T>
struct wrapper {
T value;
template<typename U>
wrapper( U && u )
: value( std::forward<U>(u) ) {}
compiler still generates copy ctor
=delete'ing ctor does not do what we want
no way of disableing the copy ctor - we hope for C++17
(solution will break lots of old code)
need rather involved enable_if :(
Parameter Packs
template< typename T, std::size_t N >
struct array {
typename A0
> array(
A0 && a0
): m_at{
} {}
typename A0,
typename A1
> array(
A0 && a0,
A1 && a1
): m_at(
) {}
typename A0,
typename A1,
typename A2
> array(
A0 && a0,
A1 && a1,
A2 && a2
): m_at(
) {}
// ... still not insanely great ...
auto operator[](std::size_t i) ->T & {
return m_at[i];
auto operator[](std::size_t i) const->T const& {
return m_at[i];
T m_at[N];
We would like to write:
template< typename T, std::size_t N >
struct array {
template< typename ...As >
array( As &&... as )
: m_at{ std::forward<As>(as)... } {}
auto operator[](std::size_t i) ->T & {
return m_at[i];
auto operator[](std::size_t i) const->T const& {
return m_at[i];
T m_at[N];
template<typename A, typename B>
using disable_if_same_or_derived =
typename std::enable_if<
template<typename T>
struct wrapper
T value;
template<typename U, typename X =
wrapper( U && u )
: value( std::forward<U>(u) )
Talk 3: André Bergner - Mechanics of std.function
#include <iostream>
#include "function_int_int.h"
int foo(int x) { return x + 1; }
int bar(int x) { return x * x; }
struct { int operator()( int x ) { return x * 100; } } baz;
my::function_int_int f; // we can store functions: int -> int
void use_f() { std::cout << f(2) << std::endl; }
int main()
f = foo; // store function 1
use_f(); // should return: 3
f = bar; // store function 1
use_f(); // should return: 4
f = baz; // store functor
use_f(); // should return: 200
f = [](int x) { return x - 123; }; // store lambda
use_f(); // should return: -121
Talk 3: André Bergner - Mechanics of std.function
#include <iostream>
#include "function_int_int.h"
int foo(int x) { return x + 1; }
int bar(int x) { return x * x; }
struct { int operator()( int x ) { return x * 100; } } baz;
my::function_int_int f; // we can store functions: int -> int
void use_f() { std::cout << f(2) << std::endl; }
int main()
f = foo; // store function 1
use_f(); // should return: 3
f = bar; // store function 1
use_f(); // should return: 4
f = baz; // store functor
use_f(); // should return: 200
f = [](int x) { return x - 123; }; // store lambda
use_f(); // should return: -121
#include <memory>
namespace my {
class function_concept { public: virtual int call( int ) = 0; };
template < typename Function >
class function_model : public function_concept
Function f_;
function_model( Function &f ) : f_(f) {}
int call( int i ) { return f_( i ); }
class function_int_int
std::unique_ptr<function_concept> f_;
template < typename F >
function_int_int( F f ) : f_( new function_model<F>(f) ) {}
template < typename F >
function_int_int& operator= ( F f )
{ f_.reset( new function_model<F>(f) ); return *this; }
{ f_.reset( new function_model<F>(f) ); return *this; }
int operator()( int i ) { return f_->call( i ); }
#include <iostream>
#include "function.h"
using namespace std;
int foo(int x) { return x + 1; }
float bar(int x, char c) { cout << c << endl; return float(x*x); }
struct { int operator()( int x ) { return x * 100; } } baz;
int main()
my::function< int(int) > f = foo; // store free function 1
cout << f(2) << endl; // should return: 3
f = baz; // store functor
cout << f(2) << endl; // should return: 200
my::function< float(int,char) > g = bar; // store free function 2
cout << g(2,'x') << endl; // should print: x 4
g = [](int x, char) { return x - 123.f; }; // store lambda functor
cout << g(2,'x') << endl; // should return: -121
// works with generic lambdas as well (clang 3.4 with option -std=c++1y)
my::function< float( float, float ) >
h = [](auto x , auto y) { return x+y; };
h = [](auto x , auto y) { return x+y; };
cout << h(3,4) << endl; // should return: 7
#include <memory>
namespace my {
//--------- class template prototypes ---------------------------------------
template < typename Signature > class function_concept;
template < typename Signature , typename Function > class function_model;
template < typename Signature > class function;
//--------- class template specializations ----------------------------------
// The classes get specialized only for function signatures.
template < typename Ret , typename... Args >
class function_concept< Ret(Args...) >
{ public: virtual Ret call( Args&&... ) = 0; };
{ public: virtual Ret call( Args&&... ) = 0; };
template < typename Function , typename Ret , typename... Args >
class function_model< Ret(Args...) , Function >
: public function_concept< Ret(Args...) >
: public function_concept< Ret(Args...) >
Function f_;
function_model( Function &f ) : f_(f) {}
Ret call( Args&&... args )
{ return f_( std::forward<Args>(args)... ); }
{ return f_( std::forward<Args>(args)... ); }
template < typename Ret , typename... Args >
class function< Ret(Args...) >
using Signature = Ret( Args... );
std::unique_ptr< function_concept<Signature> > f_;
template < typename F >
function( F f ) : f_( new function_model<Signature,F>(f) ) {}
Ret operator()( Args&&... args )
{ return f_->call( std::forward<Args>(args)... ); }
template < typename F >
function& operator= ( F f )
{ f_.reset( new function_model<Signature,F>(f) ); return *this; }
{ f_.reset( new function_model<Signature,F>(f) ); return *this; }
#include <iostream>
#include "function.h"#include "member.h"
using namespace std;
struct C {
bool greater( int a , int b ) { return a > b; }
bool smaller( int a , int b ) { return a < b; }
int main()
C c;
my::function< bool(int,int) > f;
f = my::bind_member( c , &C::greater );
cout << "greater" << endl;
cout << f(1,2) << endl;
cout << f(2,1) << endl;
using my::operator&&; // using syntactic sugar notation
f = c &&& C::smaller;
cout << "smaller" << endl;
cout << f(1,2) << endl;
cout << f(2,1) << endl;
namespace my {
template < typename Function , class Class >
struct MemberFunction
using MemFun = Function Class::*;
MemFun f_;
Class* c_;
MemberFunction( MemFun f , Class* c ) : f_(f) , c_(c) {}
template < typename... Args >
auto operator()( Args&&... args)
{ return (c_->*f_)( std::forward<Args>(args)... ); }
template < typename Function , class Class >
auto bind_member( Class& c , Function Class::* f )
return MemberFunction<Function, Class>( f , &c );
// syntactic sugar
template < typename Function , class Class >
auto operator&& ( Class& c , Function Class::* f )
return MemberFunction<Function, Class>( f , &c );
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include "function.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
inline int foo(int x) { return x + 1; }
int bar(int x) { return x + 1; }
class SomeInterface { public: virtual int foo(int) = 0; };
class V : public SomeInterface { public: virtual int foo(int x) { return x + 1; } };
V v;
SomeInterface* w = new V;
int main()
my ::function< int( int ) > mf;
std ::function< int( int ) > sf;
boost::function< int( int ) > bf;
#define MEASURE_PERFORMANCE( info , fun ) \
cout << info << " "; \
size_t n = 0; \
auto tick = steady_clock::now(); \
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < 100000000 ; ++k ) \
n += fun(n); \
auto tock = steady_clock::now(); \
cout << "time needed: " \
<< duration_cast<milliseconds>(tock-tick).count() \
<< " millisec. result = " \
<< n \
<< endl; \
{ MEASURE_PERFORMANCE( "plain foo " , foo ) }
{ MEASURE_PERFORMANCE( "virtual mem foo " , ) }
{ MEASURE_PERFORMANCE( "polymorphic foo " , w->foo ) }
{ mf = foo; MEASURE_PERFORMANCE( "my::fun foo " , mf ) }
{ mf = bar; MEASURE_PERFORMANCE( "my::fun bar " , mf ) }
{ sf = foo; MEASURE_PERFORMANCE( "std::fun foo " , sf ) }
{ sf = bar; MEASURE_PERFORMANCE( "std::fun bar " , sf ) }
{ bf = foo; MEASURE_PERFORMANCE( "boost::fun foo " , bf ) }
{ bf = bar; MEASURE_PERFORMANCE( "boost::fun bar " , bf ) }
{ mf = [](int i) { return foo(i); };
MEASURE_PERFORMANCE( "my::fun( /l foo) " , mf ) }
{ mf = [](int i) { return i+1; };
MEASURE_PERFORMANCE( "my::fun( /l ) " , mf ) }
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