We are professionals and hobbyists working in Berlin who are interested in C++, the language, its uses and the things people build with it.
We are open for everybody who knows C++ or is interested in learning it or really anybody who wants to hear about the advantages (and fun!) of native programming.
Some of us are involved in the C++ standardization process, some have contributed to the boost libraries. Some of us work in medical imaging and applications, in scientific computing, some develop innovative and intuitive desktop applications, some are specialists in cross-platform development.
We meet about once a month. Anybody is invited to give a talk about a subject that has something to do with C++. Did you build something with C++ and want to share? Have you checked out the latest proposals from the standardization committee? Do you need help with a project of yours?

Freitag, 21. Dezember 2012

Nächstes Treffen am 15. Januar

Unser nächstes Treffen findet am 15. Januar 2013 um 19 Uhr in der C-Base statt. Das Vortrags-Thema steht noch nicht fest. Wenn Ihr ein Thema, habt über das Ihr gern sprechen und vorstellen wollt, gebt uns Bescheid.

Ansonsten wünschen wir Euch frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.

Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012

Nächstes Treffen am 18. Dezember

Das 3. C++ User Group treffen findet am 18. Dezember, wie immer in der C-Base statt.
Wir treffen uns ab 19 Uhr, der Vortrag beginnt um 20 Uhr.
Vortragen wird Joachim Faulhaber über C++ Move Semantik.

Wir freuen uns euch dort (wieder-) zu treffen.